Church hospitality teams can learn a lot about the care and feeding of the church visitor from Apple, one of the most profitable retailers ever. Apple’s success isn’t due to iPads and operating systems; it’s about how they train their employees. Carmine Gallo, in his book The Apple Experience: Secrets to Building Insanely Great Customer
When was the last time you visited a place that billed itself as “the unfriendliest church in town?” Me either. I don’t think I’ve ever been to one. But they’re out there in spirit if not in name. Tim Dolan reports that one of his lay ministry students found one. As an assignment, I
Check the latest podcast on personal evangelism at Evangelism Coach. Chris has some great stuff; you’ll want to bookmark his website.
The church I’m currently serving as the intentional interim pastor has the Annual Business meeting scheduled for the last Sunday in January. This past Sunday we conducted a dry run to finalize what would be included in the report to the congregation. The Executive Pastor, the outgoing chairman of the Board and the incoming chairman
Church vision statements are like diet and exercise. Everybody knows its good for you but relatively few muster up the discipline to stick with it for long. How many well-crafted vision statements end up gathering dust in a neglected file jacket? How many failed because they weren’t properly communicated and executed? It turns out that
“Pastor, you’re building your own kingdom. Shame on you!” “This church has lost its soul. It’s become just another corporate provider of religious goods and services.” “I long for the days gone by when everyone pulled together. We were all on the same page and life was grand.” Certainly you’ve heard these laments if you’ve
A colleague of mine once visited a mega-church in southern California while on vacation. The 6,000 seat auditorium was filled to capacity that Sunday morning. He was quite surprised when, during the ritual exchange of the secret Churchman’s handshake, an elderly lady made her way down the aisle from several rows back to greet him
Interim pastors, permanent pastors for that matter, will enjoy reading William Avery’s Revitalizing Congregations: Refocusing and Healing Through Pastoral Transitions (affiliate link) for its clear, simple style, for its useful information and for the mirror it holds up for us to look at our ministries. In the preface the author identifies his target audience: The
TURNAROUND PASTORS Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit corporation incorporated in the State of Arizona.
TURNAROUND PASTORS is a research, publishing and training ministry. |