Online Webinar Boot Camp
Everything you need to know about the what and how to lead church revitalization

- DATES: Sept. 18 - Oct. 23, 2023
- TIME: 5-9 PM EDT
The Turnaround Pastors Online Boot Camp is $295 per person.
Take advantage of our early bird special for $245 if you enroll before 9/6.
Turnaround Pastors helps bewildered pastors who are stumped by the challenge of revitalizing a stagnant church become confident leaders who have mastered the skills proven to result in church revitalization and turnaround.
Click here for a brief description of how Turnaround Pastors helps pastors who are “stuck” in plateaued churches – and they don’t know what to do!
Photo by Nourdine Diouane on Unsplash
Here's how Turnaround Pastors can work for you:

1. Assessment
“The Birkman is the most amazing assessment tool I’ve seen! It made it possible for our leadership and me to understand our church and the various roles that would be vital in our ministry success or failure as we moved ahead in the TurnAround – TAP process. This is a MUST INVESTMENT for the future of ANY ministry.”
– Pastor Keith Lamm, D.Min., M.A.
The purpose of our research was to answer one question: “What accounts for the fact that some pastors are skilled at leading church turnarounds while most are not?” Rather than follow the case-study method, we adopted a more scientifically rigorous approach.
Our research identified seven statistically significant leadership behaviors that are causal of church turnarounds. These distinctive behaviors pinpoint the specific behaviors, self-management and relationship management skills, and interests of pastors who lead turnaround churches.
Want to know more? Follow this link to our Research page.
We use The Birkman Method™, the personality assessment tool favored by professionals worldwide, because it paints a rich and detailed picture of an individual.
Birkman is the premier advanced assessment because it reveals and explains more information about behavior, motivations, and personality. The Birkman is unique, and far superior to “typing tools”:
- It is the only assessment that measures underlying Needs. It shows the support you need from others and your work environment to be your most effective self.
- It combines behavioral and career information in one assessment. This provides greater understanding of your ideal fit within your church.
- It examines personality and perceptions in a social context. This helps you manage yourself more effectively and develops greater mutual respect among your ministry colleagues.
Want to know more about The Birkman Method ™ ? Follow this link: Birkman Information.

2. Training
“This was the greatest training conference I have ever been through, and I attend at least 2 to 3 conferences every year!”
– Pastor Jake Eldridge
Equip yourself with the knowledge of what your church must do to move off the plateau and how you will lead them most effectively. By immersing yourself in our Turnaround Pastors Boot Camp training you’ll know exactly where to begin your church turnaround, you’ll have a strategy, and you’ll be confident in the ways God has prepared you for the road ahead.
Your training will be based on rigorous and scientifically valid research that identifies the key components of effective turnaround leadership. But this isn’t an information dump! Turnaround Pastors training is tailored to suit your unique needs. You’ll go away with personal, professional, and church development plans tailored to your requirements and ministry context.

3. Coaching
“I received an amazing encouragement and clarity in direction for my leadership.
– Pastor Pontus Karnsund
Turnaround Pastors coaching is tailored to you, that’s our promise. Assessment based coaching results in a process suited to your needs, your interests, and your professional development. You’ll immediately recognize coaching that focuses on your skill development, your personal growth, and your mastery of best practices that result in church revitalization.
Your TAP coach will be an experienced practitioner, a pastor who knows what it takes to lead a church off plateau. Together you will develop a plan to build on your Turnaround Pastors Boot Camp training so that you gain mastery of the skills you’ll need to bring revitalization to your church.

4. Pastor Search
We can help you to reduce the guesswork and expense of Pastoral Search!
An Expensive Solution: Headhunters
The use of retained search firms is growing in churches and groups that can afford them. Search firms offer various services, which may include church assessment, collaborative development of the job description, finding good candidates, and help for the Pastor Search Team.
These services can become very expensive, often beyond the reach of smaller churches and denominational offices with limited budgets. A top quality search firm will typically charge 1⁄3 of the pastor’s salary, which is paid once the pastor assumes office. These fees will run $15,000 to as much as $50,000. When you tack that on to the additional expenses of candidating, calling, and relocating a pastor, the costs can exceed what the typical church in America can afford.
A Better Solution: Accurate Assessment
There’s a better and more affordable choice now available. It is an option that enables Pastor Search Teams and denominational officers to pinpoint which pastoral candidate comes already furnished with the skills required to lead a church turnaround.
Please contact me! It involves examining the various candidates’ usual style of going about their daily routines, understanding what they expect of and need from others and the work environment, and how they act under stress.
Then we compare a candidate to our research of the previously unearthed seven characteristics of a turnaround pastor. Why guess when you can compare best practices?
Learn more in our E-book, “Reduce the Guesswork of Pastor Search”. Just click the button below and sign up for our e-newsletter and ask for a copy.
Listen to what Pastor Wayne Miracle has to say

“I thoroughly enjoyed the teaching and information we received at the Turn-Around Pastor Boot Camp. It is by far the best and most thorough training I have ever received on the specific topic of Pastoral Leadership. It was most helpful to be professionally assessed through the Birkman Profile Assessment, which revealed both our personal strengths and weaknesses as it relates to our own pastoral leadership abilities. Plus, we received a great deal of practical information of how to lead the local church to see turn-around.”
“Also, it was helpful to receive very practical “Show-N-Tell” illustrations concerning what pit-falls pastors face. The entire conference was a great blessing to me.”
“I only wish I would have received this training when I first started my Pastoral Ministry! I can’t say enough good things about my experience. I only wish every pastor could receive this topnotch training! I would like to thank Bud Brown, Gordon Penfold, Gary Westra, and Kelton Hinton for the expert presentations they made during the Boot Camp.”
Why come to Turnaround Pastors?
“Do these guys really know what they’re doing?”
“Is this really worth the cost?”
Those are fair questions.
After all, we’re making some claims that appear to come out of left field:
- How the pastor behaves on the job day-to-day is a crucial, even determinative factor in church revitalization.
- There are measurable personality differences between naturally gifted turnaround pastors and their colleagues.
- Every pastor can become a more effective leader – many seeing church growth for the first time in their entire ministry career – by mastering a few best practices.
Don’t take our word for it. We probably wouldn’t if we were in your shoes!
Instead, listen to what our satisfied clients and the experts have to say about our work.
Then, once you’re satisfied that it’s worth a phone call, contact Turnaround Pastors and let’s talk about what we can do to serve you.

Bud Brown
“I love watching pastors and churches have that “Aha!” moment. It thrills me to help pastors expand their skills and lead with confidence in the gifts and skills God hardwired into them. The privilege of providing each pastor exactly what he or she needs to thrive is deeply satisfying. Watching them enjoy success they never imagined possible motivates me to try even harder for them.”

Gordon Penfold
“I’ve observed many pastors over the years. I intuitively knew that some would succeed and others would fail but I could not definitively say ‘why.’ I decided to find out what characteristics set effective pastors apart from other those who struggle. That research allows me to help struggling pastors grow to become more effective in ministry so that their churches may likewise become vibrant, life-giving centers like the church I enjoyed as a new believer.”

Gary Westra
“I loved leading our three-year research project in the dynamics of turnaround leadership. I have committed the rest of my ministry to seeing turnaround in churches in North America that have flat-lined or are declining. I want my coaching and mentoring of pastors, and my leading our team of coaches at Turnaround Pastors, to be a lasting legacy in ministry.”

Dr. Kelton F. Hinton
Dr. Hinton recently celebrated his 24th year serving as an Associational Missions Strategist for the Triangle East Baptist Association near Raleigh, North Carolina. He has over 37 years in ministry serving in a variety of areas–Student Ministry in Togo, West Africa, Spanish church planting in NC, Missionary service in France and Benin, West Africa prior to his service with TEBA. In addition, for the last 20 years he has been overseeing an expansive Campus Ministry at Johnston Community College, a local commuter school in his county. He has also completed 20 years teaching in the Spanish language programs of both Campbell Divinity School as well as SEBTS. He is one of the founders of the International Redeemed Christian University targeting Hispanics in Central and South America.
Kelton is married to Lauri Burgess with grown sons Caleb (and daughter-in-law Rachel and grandson Malcolm) and Zachary.
Kelton’s areas of particular interest and expertise include:
- Working with semi-literate people (evangelizing, discipling and developing leaders primarily through Chronological Bible Storying and other Orality-based methods)
- Church Planting (traditional approaches as well as following a micro-church, “missional community” model)
- Church Revitalization with an emphasis on working directly with congregations preparing them for selecting their next pastor and their next season of growth.
- Coaching pastors in church revitalization efforts

Jim Roden, D.Min, M.Div.
Jim has been the Lead Pastor at Journey Church Tucson for over 13 years. In that time, he has been a part of creating a disability inclusive culture which has resulted in church revitalization, spiritual growth, conversions, and baptisms. Journey Church has become known throughout Southern Arizona as the church that ministers to, with, and from those with disabilities. Jim recently completed a doctoral degree at Talbot Theological Seminary in planting and multiplying healthy churches in North America. His dissertation focuses on the relationship between disability ministry and church health. Jim and his wife Stacy are the blessed parents of four and proud grandparents of one.
Get TAP Training for your Key People. You won't be sorry.
“Finally, I’ve got something to help my pastors really make a turn-around in their pastoral leadership! I’ve tried for years to offer useful information to them, but information without behavior modification is useless.
With the Turnaround Pastors Bootcamp we’ve got the whole package–accurate and up-to-date information not only on the pastor himself, but also on church growth concepts; excellent and experienced trainers with turn-around experience; a small group atmosphere and peer group learning as well as access to experienced coaches for follow-up the entire year following the training. Wow! They have left no stone unturned!”

Dr. Kelton F. Hinton
Director of Missions, Johnston Baptist Association, Selma NC
“We were so pleased to offer the Turnaround Pastors Boot Camp to our pastors and churches we’re getting ready to do it again! Gary, Bud, and Gordon and their team bring years of experience and thorough understanding of the challenges facing plateaued churches and have created a practical path back to health. Their use of the Birkman Inventory was invaluable to help pastors and leaders understand who they are and how they lead. Engaging lay leaders in each church and offering ongoing coaching are also crucial in moving the church along the Turnaround path!”

Randy Myers
Superintendent of the Pacific Conference
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