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Church Security: the interim pastor’s responsibility


[dc]L[/dc]akeview Heights Baptist Church knows that church security is a hot topic that’s getting hotter all the time. This little church in Tulsa, Oklahoma has been robbed 29 times in 2012, 25 times in 2011. Thieves have taken a TV, two VCRs, five microwaves, a wheelchair, heaters, pots and pans, and even toilet paper and paper plates. The air conditioning unit has been stolen on three different occasions. Losses have added up to tens of thousands of dollars.

Church security problems are no longer confined to theft and burglary. People are the targets now.

There were at least 115 incidents of violence in churches, many involving firearms, in 2012. The escalating violence directed at church members, volunteers and clergy have prompted many to evaluate their security policies. A Google search of the terms “church shootings”, confined only to results published in the last month, returns thousands upon thousands of results. The clergy can no longer afford to ignore the problem.

Churches are not immune from some of the same risks faced by secular organizations — violent attacks, theft, arson, burglaries, and fraud to name a few” says Mark Lex, Security Executive Council and lead emeritus faculty of the Council’s faith-based security practice. “Recent tragic events within the church have once again raised awareness to all new levels in protecting our sanctuaries and people.

Interim pastor – lead!

Transition pastors – the intentional interim practitioner – will find the client church in some degree of administrative disarray. Policies and procedures, administrative systems and technology are typically dated, neglected and even ignored. An interim pastor’s task often includes repairing or replacing vital systems for a healthy church. An intentional interim pastor has not positioned the church to achieve its qualitative and quantitative goals if he leaves administrative chaos behind!

This means that you, the intentional interim pastor, will have to take the lead, guiding the church to develop policies and implement behaviors that address the deficiencies in the church system. Today that includes a system of monitoring the security of the church property and the people who use it.

Church security questions

Church security resources

Here are a few helpful resources readily available on the Internet. Note that the Amazon links are affiliate links; I get a few cents in the tip jar if you purchase.


Has your church suffered a security threat of one sort or another in the past few years? What can you tell us about it and what came about as a result?


1/17/2011 This topic has taken off at the LinkedIn XPastor group

Image credit: senkaya / 123RF Stock Photo

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