Bud Brown

1 Helpful Tool for Church Revitalization

You got to know who’s out there! Since this is my blog post, I get to define a couple of key terms. That’s one of the benefits of writing; you get to be sovereign in your own little world, even if no one else is in it! In the world my colleagues and I inhabit,

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Jesus’ Resurrection Gives Hope to Dying Churches

Your church doesn’t have to be a grim statistic. There is nothing – absolutely nothing – other than steadfast refusal to rejoin Jesus’s mission to prohibit the revitalization of a church on plateau or in serious decline. If Jesus could be raised from the dead, it is a small thing to resurrect your church. Churches

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Relationships: 1 Key to Church Turnaround Leadership

It’s a stark fact most pastors wish they could avoid. The person most responsible for leading a dying church into life and growth sits in the chair behind the desk in the office that says “Pastor” on the door. The problem is that most pastors have no idea how to do it. The problem is

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Taking the Guesswork Out of Pastoral Selection

What would it be worth if you could pinpoint which pastor candidate will succeed in leading that stagnant church through turnaround? What would it do for your confidence as a member of that Pastor Search Team if you knew the candidate you’re recommending has what it takes to revitalize your church? How much easier would

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Praying the hard prayer for the sake of God’s mission

Would you intercede with the Lord on behalf of ISIS if your pastor asked you to? How would your congregation react if you told them to petition God to bless government officials who resist the church’s desire to expand? Praying for people that have insulted, injured or ruined us is the last image that comes

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Who says it’s not about the numbers?

What should you do first when someone says, “it’s not about the money”? That’s right. Reach for your wallet. Because it really is about the money. What should you do when a church leader says, “it’s not about the numbers”? Stop and think – carefully. Then ask them, “Why not?” Who says it’s not about

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1 powerful tool for building turnaround leadership teams

The Birkman Method™ takes the guesswork out of building a great church staff! The light snapped on when he realized that “grabbing the bull by the horns” threatened his ministry colleague. The colleague saw the light when he realized that standing back, content to let his friend run things, contributed to the problem. Their three

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